Maybe It’s Time To Ask What The Company Will Do For Me?

Q1: What benefits would you like from your job?

    I would like for my job to provide health insurance (I would prefer dental and vision included, however, it would not be the end of the world if it was not), paternity leave/work from home options,  and I would like for my job to provide paid time off. Quality health insurance is a must in my view, just in case a medical emergency does happen I would like to be insured. I think that paid time off is also important. I think that time off from work can be beneficial and would allow for me to recharge and be more energized for work afterward. Paternity leaves and work-from-home options, while not an absolute necessity, is something I would highly prefer. If I have a child, I want to help with raising them and I want to watch them grow up. I know it’s not exactly a common benefit offered in the United States currently, but I hope that will change in the future.

Image found at:

Q2: Are you okay with relocating? What areas, in particular, are you interested in?

    I would happily relocate anywhere as long as the salary makes sense for the area. I would personally prefer warmer states such as Georgia, Texas, or California. However, colder states such as New York, Pennsylvania,  or Massachusetts do not bother me, they are just not my preference. I would prefer to live in larger cities such as Atlanta, San Francisco, or Houston. I would work in smaller cities and towns if necessary. I would not mind even leaving the country for work as long as the country I am going to is stable.

Q3: How do you feel about business travel?

    As someone who loves traveling, business travel does not bother me at all. I have always wanted to travel the world, so if my job helps me achieve that goal even slightly I’d be happy. The change in scenery would likely also be welcome.

Q4: What type of company would you prefer?

    I don’t mind either a well-established company or a start-up in all honesty. To me, as long as there’s job security (as in, I won’t end up laid off three months later), I don’t mind. At a start-up company you’re more likely to take up extra tasks you wouldn’t normally do otherwise. However, that doesn’t bother me. Taking up more responsibilities may make my job more enjoyable due to having more variety in the type of work I am doing.

Q5: Does salary matter?

    To be entirely honest, yes. Like many of you, I have student loans to pay, and I have bills to pay. While I would take a reasonable salary cut if I thought one job was more aligned with my values or thought the work was more interesting, there comes a certain point at which those stop being the more important factors over salary.

Q6: Does it matter that the company you work for shares your values?

    For me, it matters that the company I work for shares my values. I believe that to truly enjoy your job, the job has to be in something that you also personally agree with. If I am working hard at my job, I want to know that it’s worth it. I would like it if the company had volunteering opportunities and gave back to their community.  

Image found at:

Q7: Would you be okay working in a remote environment?

    After the pandemic, I would prefer to work in a real-life office, with people. I do not feel that I would be at the most productive if I were to be working remotely, in the current remote environment I get very easily distracted and it can make it near impossible to get work done promptly. So I imagine a remote workplace would have the same issues I am currently facing.

Q8: What type of schedule would you prefer?

    I don’t know about you, but I don’t mind a nine to five job. I don’t mind waking up early in the morning if I’m getting paid to do so. I would like to have weekends and major holidays off (Christmas, Easter, etc.), as some time off throughout the week would be nice.

8 Replies to “Maybe It’s Time To Ask What The Company Will Do For Me?”

  1. Hi Joey! I definitely agree with you on the possibility of having paternity (or in my case maternity) leave. This was not something I thought of when I was listing my personal criteria, but it is definitely something that would be important for me in the future. I would also love to have major holidays off, I think that’s important for me when I am looking for a job. My family is always together on the holidays and I/they would hate for me to miss out.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello! I wanted to start off by saying I really loved your title! I had such a hard time coming up with something that could be considered a hook, and I think your title does a great job at catching an audience’s eye before even reading the body! I also agree that it is super important to have great health insurance! If you have to work your butt off and pay for health insurance anyway, it had better be good! I also agree that paternity leave is so important! I am pregnant with my first two babies (twins), and we have been so worried about whether my husband’s employer will give him time off. With Covid-19, if your spouse leaves the room, they aren’t welcome to come back. I have to have a C-section which means I will have to stay for several days. If my husband leaves, I will be all alone with two babies for at least a few days while trying to recover from the C-section! I, luckily, have an amazing employer who is super understanding and will give me as much time off as I need. Anyways, sorry if that was way too much information, but, if you have not had kids yet, that may be something you have to deal with in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have never put my mind to what a company should do for me. I am more than happy to bring my talents to a company and get paid, but this is a brilliant way to bring in quality of life. I would like for a company to be able to elevate who I am and what I can do, so in turn I can create something even greater than what I would have.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello Joey,

    I really enjoyed reading through your post. I spend a lot of time reading blog posts that I find on platforms like Facebook or Pinterest and your post reminded me a lot of those posts.

    Like some others have stated, the main thing that drew me into your post particularly was your title. Many of us were focused in on describing simply what aspects we were looking for when job searching, that we didn’t consider what an employer could be doing for us. I think that thinking about it that way is a great approach to diving deep into the personal criteria and ensuring that you find a job that meets your personal needs.

    I think that the questions you asked are all important aspects to consider when searching for a job, as most of them will affect pretty large aspects of your day to day life. I think that you did a great job with this assignment!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hey Joey,
    I am much the same when it comes to business travel. I have always wanted to travel the world and see what different cultures have to offer, what better way to do that then being paid. You brought up a lot of interesting points and overall really enjoyed reading this.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Nice post Joey! I really agreed with a lot you had to say. Something that is definitely on the top of my job expectations is health insurance and one job providing that over another could be a key reason why I would choose that specific position. Another topic I really agreed with was your take on working remotely. This school year has been much more challenging for me due to the absence of in person education. I find it much more difficult learning remotely and I believe in the job world it would be a similar experience. Lastly, I really liked the image you included for travel. It really caught my attention.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thanks for sharing Joey!

    In response to your question 4. Be careful if you decide to do the startup route. You mentioned that you didn’t want to be laid off three months after starting your job and that is more likely to happen if you start with a start-up or venture. My experience as an entrepreneur concentration has given me insight into the many different types of ventures there are. Sometimes there are people who aren’t interested in their venture and are just there to make a quick buck. Be careful!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Joey, I really enjoyed reading your post and I agree with you on most topics. I do think that in order to truly enjoy one’s job it is important that the company shares your values and that gives back to the community. I also agree with companies providing health insurance, paternity/maternity leave and paid time off. These are the main benefits anyone should get when working for a company.

    Liked by 1 person

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